Cyber Security Awareness— Aamir P

Aamir P
4 min readNov 10, 2023


Hi all! In this article, we will learn about the basics of Cyber Security.

This is not only in organisations; it may also happen in your personal space. Somebody may call you and say we are calling from so and so and try to get your personal details. If you share you are the target and the data you provide he may access your laptop, mobile, or any other electronic device. This is called Social Engineering.

How do you identify?
Such people will not tell their names or identity. They will create some fear and make you blank. Give you an urgency and steal your data. In organisations, the office will tell you anything beforehand that someone from so and so organisation will call you for medical, insurance, etc. If the organisation doesn't say and you receive the call claiming that your company said. Be aware!
If someone calls make sure you are able to verify their identity.

You may receive emails that contain links with some urgent action. It may be related to you because the criminal notes you through social media sites knows your interests, family, friends, etc. and put you in this trap. You click the link your laptop, mobile or any electronic device loses your control. Report these emails, never click the links. If you read the link properly it won’t have the correct name it will have a shift of a letter or some new name that is not in the domain of the original. To make it simple misspelled domain names.

Okay but what if it is really urgent and not a scam?
Call up the person or verify with the person if you have their number or any contact details. For example, bank emails. You will have the staff number with you call them and ask. Never call the number or mail that person mentioned in the mail. He/she might be an attacker.

Legal sites will never ask you to update your details in the link provided rather they will ask you to login to your account and make changes.

Digital Currency is the target here. Employees are targeted by emails. Mostly criminals will target the manager so that the manager will influence the team below him to use so and so or register in so and so. Never trust emails, verify by calling the organisation. Keep changing passwords monthly once. In an office, disconnect your computer from the network else all computers will get affected or attacked. This is a malicious program that locks the computer or encrypts its files in exchange for money to return them. This cannot be done anything you need to pay the ransom to get back the data.

Internet use
These are the usage of fake domain names. Always remember, the organisation will be first then it will have support or anything corresponding to the widget of the website. Any extension you add to your dashboard can record your web history and be used for marketing purposes. Some websites store your password and username. These are known to many if they sell browser history. Some emails may have links in images or text. I mean to say hyperlink. Just keep the cursor it will show you the URL based on it decide if is it a scam or legitimate. https or www are other ways to check fake domains.

Social Media
Criminal organisations use LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. to create fake profiles and cheat under your name. Never accept unverified requests. Be careful in your posts as they become world accessible. Never upload documents with certification numbers. Use some paint and scratch the number and then upload the document.

Sensitive data like customer data, supplier information, trader info, etc. may make the competitor better or any criminal can use it for misleads. PII, PHI, and PCI all need protection at all times. Accidental data leaks will happen when a document is forwarded without a scan. An email address in today’s world is a data breach. Never talk in public places. It's not only about humans even cameras record, AI listens, etc. Hackers are more advanced. Lost or stolen encrypted data is a data breach. But doesn't cost much loss as your data is encrypted. Keep your password confidential. Use MFA(Multi-Factor Authentication) i.e. getting OTP in your mobile to login your account.

WAPA2 is safe in the home wifi passwords. Don’t give your work devices to anyone. Professional tools to be used to connect meetings. Don’t use your work ID on public computers. They may have spyware to steal. Update your anti-virus and do frequent scans.

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Aamir P
Aamir P

Written by Aamir P

Hi! This is Aamir P. I am working as a Data Engineer. Google search AAMIR P to get my books from Amazon! Follow my medium account to get motivational content.

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