Hello, connections!
I have finished my beginner’s course in Hackolade. I felt Hackolade has new things to learn about data modelling, schema designing for NoSQL databases, JSON, etc.
Some of the key concepts that I learnt from Hackolade, I would like to share in this post.
What is Hackolade?
Hackolade performs visual data modelling and schema design for NoSQL databases, storage formats, RESTAPIs, and JSON in RDBMS.
What is a Data Model?
- Represents how elements of data are organised in an abstract way.
- Supports the development of consistent, compatible and quality data systems.
- Helps to plan ahead to minimise later rework.
Elements of ER diagram?
- Entities
- Relationships
- Attributes
Text analysis
- Create an entity for every Noun
- Create an attribute for every adjective
- Create a relationship for every verb
Simplifies application storage layer
JSON — JavaScript Object Notation
Values in JSON?
- Strings
- Number
- Boolean(true/false)
- Null
- Array / Object
JSON schema is formatted in JSON
Query-driven DB schema, when to join data?
- Either when writing in DB
- When using Data in an Application
Query-driven approach, developers should not start coding before designing a schema.
Referencing the opposite is Embedding
An argument for DBs acid compliance
- No longer as important as resilience is often built into API-not database
- Still important, but achieved through different mechanisms, like embedding.
- It is only really important if database would own transaction end to end.
Main strategies for schema migration
- Easy
- Lazy
- Incremental
- Predictive
5 native targets that do not require a separate plugin installation after installing Hackolade Studio Desktop.
- Polyglot
- MongoDB
- Couchbase
- Dynamo DB
Double click title of an entity in the ERD view
Open a new tab displaying the schema view of that entity
Hackalode extension?